My new solar cooker, a Sun Oven. I'm learning a lot about the way the sun moves across the sky during the day, and how the temperature rises and falls with cloud cover. I've cooked rice, lasagna, and green beans; baked a loaf of bread and a cake.I always use the thin lasagna, which is easier to work with and tastes just as good (to us, anyway). It bakes perfectly in just under two hours, at a temperature of about 275.
The zucchinis are starting to bear, now that the weather has cooled off. I had plenty of extras (who doesn't?) so I baked a zucchini chocolate cake, with pecans. I used a recipe I found on the web--not only zukes from the garden but pecans from our last year's super harvest. The cake baked in the solar oven in just under three hours. Since I didn't have any powdered sugar, I made a sour cream frosting.
Book report. I've started on the next China Bayles--worked on the overall character set, central mystery plot, secondary plots, and started the first chapter. I wanted to get something into the computer before I leave this week for my class reunion in Illinois. I'm doing a couple of book talks and a signing. If you're in the area, you're invited, but please check with the library venues to see if there's still room.
The Tale of Briar Bank will be in the stores on Tuesday. If you'd like a signed copy, click on the link--your purchase through our website will benefit Story Circle. Many thanks to those of you who have ordered through SCN. Your book purchases help us do all kinds of good things that we couldn't do with out your support. Have you checked out our women's book review site lately? Something to be proud of! (If you've already ordered a book, it will be in the mail tomorrow. And I hope you enjoy the dragon!)
For those of you who missed the link, you can find my first post on growing medicinal herbs at Hen & Harvest. Part Two will be along in a couple of weeks. These are easy-to-grow, easy-to-use herbs, nothing at all exotic about them.
Reading note. Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.--G.K. Chesterton, quoted in The Tale of Briar Bank.
Think about this, please: One in five U.S. presidents have died in office.