A few years ago, I spoke at a meeting of the Kentuckiana Herb Society. One of the group members, knowing of my interest in altered books, made one for me, from a discarded hardcover copy of China Bayles' second adventure, Witches Bane. It was made to serve as a holder for a paperback book. But I remembered it the other day, when I was thinking of buying a jacket for my new Kindle (Bill is inheriting the Kindle I bought back in 2008).
So what you see here is an altered book, jacketing another altered book--or rather a largish library of altered books, since I have nearly 100 books tucked into that ebook reader. Of course, this eReader doesn't really "alter" the book, just the experience of reading it, which (for me, anyway) is significantly different from the experience of turning the pages in a physical book. But I accept the idea that the "book" has been radically altered from the first books I learned to read. And I'm glad to have the luxury of downloading books (and audiobooks), sitting in my chair in the living room--no need to drive 90 miles round trip to the nearest large bookstore. And if you want to see a few other really altered books, check them out here. It's an art form I've been wanting to explore, if only I had a little time. If only...
Fiber stuff. Speaking of time and art forms and the like, I've been knitting string bags. I made the first one of string (literally--plain cotton string) and liked it best. The one pictured here is made of Aunt Lydia's "Denim" (mostly cotton, thicker than string). It's okay, but stretchier than I would like. The one I'm currently knitting is made of some yarn I bought for a weaving project--really liking it. The pattern is finicky and requires some attention. But once you learn the changeover from one round to the other, it works out. I had never done any faggoting work before, so this is a new experience for me, and fun. I can see more bags in my future...
Book report. The Darling Dahlias are out there, and getting good reviews. If you want to make the peanut butter meringue pie, though, please use the corrected recipe. (Special thanks to Dani and Geni for pointing out the problem.) Next up on the writing desk: The Tale of Castle Cottage, the last of the Cottage Tales series. But I won't start that until next week: I'm heading for Houston toward the end of this week for a family visit and a Saturday noon booksigning at Murder by the Book. If you're in the area, do drop by. The Dahlias and I and David and McKenna (the owners of this terrific bookstore) would be delighted to see you.
Guest blog alert. On Tuesday 7/20, I'll be a guest blogger at Molly Weston's Meritorious Mysteries, blogging about (what else?) the Dahlias. Molly has already posted her review of the book (yes, she liked it!). We're holding a book drawing, too, so be sure to come on over.
What I'm reading. I was inspired by a friend (thanks, Sid!) to post a page of my reads and reviews. I'm just getting started with this work-in-progress, so check back every so often and see what I've listed. In the meantime, have a great week--and cross your fingers for no hurricanes in the Gulf and a quick kill on that blasted oil well.