In some ways, the journey is nearly over--the book I've been thinking about for over two decades is now a reality, both virtually and in print. You can find it on Barnes & Noble, on Amazon, and on Kobo. The paperback will be available in a day or so, the hardcover next month, by special order.
If you've read an ARC or a NetGalley copy, I would appreciate it very much if you would drop in at one of the reader-review sites and leave a note and a rating. The "big guns" (PW, Kirkus) are important, yes. But these days, reader responses mean even more. You can help.
In other ways, the journey is just beginning. I've been working to get the book into libraries and indie bookstores, and there's plenty more to do on that front. You can help by mentioning it to your librarian and your bookseller.
I hope you'll agree with me that A WILDER ROSE tells an important story, in many ways, an uncomfortable and challenging story. That's why it's author-published, rather than legacy-published. I appreciate all your support and friendship more than I can say. You have eased this journey and made it worthwhile.