Our neighbor sent me this wonderful photo of a Giant lichen orb weaver dining on a dragonfly. In nature, what's a tragedy for one is often a triumph for another, and this female spider needs to eat so she can make more spiders. And they can make more spiders, and so on... Summer is our spider time, and a cousin to the lichen orb weaver, the more familiar Golden orb weaver (the "writing" spider), will soon be setting up housekeeping beside our kitchen door. Happens every year.
It's been a busy month at MeadowKnoll. We've been putting the veggie garden away for the summer, covering the raised beds with black plastic. This "solarizing" will kill most of the weed seeds and make the fall garden easier to plant and maintain. Our spring potato crop turned out better than I expected--here are some of them: Yukon Gold (my favorites) and red potatoes (started from a grocery store purchase). When I first began to garden here, I planted potatoes on Valentine's Day. The seasons have shifted so radically (yes: climate change) that I'm now putting in spring potatoes between Christmas and New Year. I have to cover from some Jan/Feb frosts and occasionally lose some tops, but the longer season means a better yield.
The first Gulf storm, Cindy, is happening this week. This one won't be coming in our direction. But it's the season for tropical storms, and we could use the rain. Sadly, the people who are going to get this rain don't need it.
Book report. I finished The Darling Dahlias and the Unlucky Clover (Book 7 in this series) and sent it off to my favorite copy editor, Sandra Spicher. I love working with Sandra: she does an excellent job. (Believe me: I know. I have worked with a gazillion copy editors in my long life as a writer.) She'll have the file back to me the first week of July. I'm planning to publish the book (via my own imprint: Persevero Press) in March, 2018. Watch for the cover reveal, coming soon!
Meanwhile, I'm going to start the next book: The DDs and the Poinsettia Puzzle. I want to take advantage of the momentum that's built up in the last few chapters of Clover. And since I'm publishing these, I can control the publishing calendar. Nice!
I'm still working on the idea for the Georgia O'Keeffe book--and deeply enjoying the research into the artist's life. This will be more heavily fictionalized than my other biographical/historical fiction, I think.
I'm happy to report that The General's Women has been selected for the SELF-e library program. If you'd like to read a digital copy, ask your librarian to get it for you--of course, print and audio are available, too. There's a Goodreads Giveaway for this book, through 6/26/17
Reading note. June has never looked more beautiful than she does now, unadorned and honest, vulnerable yet invincible.--Marie Lu, Legend